Do you crave for beautiful skin and lovely hair$%: If yes, then install shower filter in your bathroom immediately. As you may not be aware of the harmful effects of showering in water that has chlorine in it, I am going to reveal the dangers of chlorinated water.
Most people in the world consider hot shower or bath as one of life's little pleasures. However, they don't realize the danger "chlorine in water" could pose to them. Although chlorine is universally used to disinfect water, it has been found through research that it is not safe for drinking, showering or bathing.
Excessive chlorine in water is not good for health. There are many biologists/chemists who are of the opinion that use of chlorine should be banned. They feel that putting chlorine in water is like sitting on a time bomb. Moreover diseases like cancer, heart trouble, and premature senility both mental and physical are conditions attributable to chlorine treated water supplies. In fact what chlorine in water does is it makes us grow old before our time by producing symptoms of ageing such as hardening of the arteries. There are even studies in the older literature that had reported that chronic exposure to chlorine concentrations of around 5ppm causes respiratory complaints, corrosion of the teeth, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and increased susceptibility to tuberculosis in workers. Chlorine in water affects the health of children the most as they are more vulnerable to corrosive agents than adults because of the smaller diameter of their airways.
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Animal studies have reported decreased body weight gain, eye and nose irritation and effects on the respiratory tract, liver and kidney from chronic, inhalation, exposure to chlorine. Other studies have indicated that exposure to chlorine via inhalation may alter disease resistance in animals.
Now the question arises is why chlorine is so dangerous to our health$%: The answer lies in the fact that chlorine is slightly soluble in water. It reacts with water to form hypochelorous acid and hydrochloric acid. The hypocheleric acid breaks down rapidly. The hydrochloric acid also breaks down; this break down products lowers the pH of the water making it more acidic. As chlorine is rarely found in soil, these compounds can react with other substances found in soil. And the most important thing is that chlorine does not accumulate in the food chain.
But there is no need to worry about chlorine. You have solutions in the form of shower filters. is the best in the segment and it has shower filters that use innovative dual-filter process that effectively removes the harshness of chlorinated water. All shower filters comes in different shapes and sizes. Chlorine removal allows you naturally softer skin and glowing hair.
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To end with, in your bathroom can purify your water, rejuvenate your skin and restore hair's natural shine. Enjoy the new found youthfulness.